vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency, seasonal depression, and diseases of civilization 1:56 PM 0 George Hamilton admits that he has been addicted to sunbathing for much of his life. The photo below (from:, shows him ...
research Cancer patterns in Inuit populations: 1950-1997 3:53 PM 0 Some types of cancer have traditionally been higher among the Inuit than in other populations, at least according to data from the 1950s, wh...
saturated fat How to break a coconut 9:06 AM 0 The coconut is often presented as a healthy food choice, which it is, as long as you are not allergic to it. Coconut meat has a lot of satur...
sodium The low modern potassium-to-sodium ratio: Big problem or much ado about nothing? 5:41 PM 0 It has been argued that the diets of our Paleolithic ancestors had on average a much higher potassium-to-sodium ratio than modern diets (see...
sardines Eating fish whole: Sardines 12:33 PM 0 Different parts of a fish have different types of nutrients that are important for our health; this includes bones and organs. Therefore it ...
Washington Applied evolutionary thinking: Darwin meets Washington 6:44 AM 0 Charles Darwin, perhaps one of the greatest scholars of all time, thought about his theory of mutation, inheritance, and selection of biolog...
most interesting man Who is really behind these posts? 1:54 PM 0 Acknowledgement: In addition to the references provided at the end of several posts, I would like to acknowledge that I also regularly consu...
nutrition How long does it take for a food-related trait to evolve? 10:56 AM 0 Often in discussions about Paleolithic nutrition, and books on the subject, we see speculations about how long it would take for a populatio...
trans-fats Go see your doctor, often 7:07 AM 0 As I blog about health issues, and talk with people about them, I often notice that there is a growing contempt for the medical profession. ...
Zahavian traits The evolution of costly traits: A challenge to a strict paleo diet orientation 4:25 PM 0 The fundamental principle of the paleo diet movement is that we should model our diet on the diet of our ancestors. In other words, for opti...
saturated fat Ischemic heart disease among Greenland Inuit: Data from 1962 to 1964 1:02 PM 0 This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below.
starch Okinawa: The island of pork 7:45 AM 0 The original inhabitants of the Ryūkyū Islands, of which the island of Okinawa is the largest, are believed to have the highest life expec...
research Muscle loss during short-term fasting 3:37 PM 0 This is an issue that often comes up in online health discussions, and was the topic of a conversation I had the other day with a friend abo...
smelts Eating fish whole: Smelts 12:07 PM 0 Since different parts of a fish have different types of nutrients that are important for our health, it makes sense to consume the fish whol...
saturated fat Saturated fat intake not associated with heart disease – Dr. Cordain’s article 6:36 PM 0 I would like to comment on a recent article co-authored by Dr. Loren Cordain, and published in the journal Current Treatment Options in Car...
research Intermittent fasting and reduced inflammation 10:57 AM 0 A recent post on the Primal Wisdom blog led me to do go back to some of the research on an approach to dieting that I tried myself, with so...