resistin Body fat and disease: How much body fat can I lose in one day? 10:48 AM 0 Body fat is not an inert deposit of energy. It can be seen as a distributed endocrine organ. Body fat cells, or adipocytes, secrete a number...
saturated fat What should be my HDL cholesterol? 7:43 AM 0 HDL cholesterol levels are a rough measure of HDL particle quantity in the blood. They actually tell us next to nothing about HDL particle t...
VLDL Large LDL and small HDL particles: The best combination 5:42 AM 0 This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below.
sugars Want to improve your cholesterol profile? Replace refined carbs and sugars with saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet 3:11 PM 0 An interesting study by Clifton and colleagues (1998; full reference and link at the end of this post) looked at whether LDL cholesterol par...
vegetarian Lucy was a vegetarian and sapiens an omnivore: Plant foods as natural supplements 3:28 PM 0 Early hominid ancestors like the Australopithecines (e.g., Lucy ) were likely strict vegetarians. Meat consumption seems to have occurred at...
vitamin D Vitamin D levels: Sunlight, age, and toxicity 3:00 PM 0 Calcidiol is a pre-hormone that is produced based on vitamin D3 in the liver. Blood concentration of calcidiol is considered to be a reliabl...
vitamin D How much vitamin D? Vitamin D Council's recommendations 11:09 AM 0 Since my recent post on problems related to vitamin D deficiency and excess I received several questions. I have also participated in sever...