research Adiponectin supplementation: Body fat loss 5:59 PM 0 Adiponectin is a hormone exclusively secreted by body fat. This hormone has been recently gaining attention from researchers because of some...
LDL LDL, chylomicrons, HDL, and atherosclerosis: A lazy Sunday theory 3:45 PM 0 Notes: - This post is a joke, admittedly a weird one, which is why it is labeled “humor” and is filed under “Abstract humor”. - I apolog...
travel A trip to Europe: Some health-related routines and observations 7:37 PM 0 Every year I travel to Europe on business, normally once or twice a year. These trips usually involve meetings with engineers, researchers, ...
saturated fat More on the Harvard study on saturated versus polyunsaturated fats 7:43 PM 0 This is a follow up on this post , which addressed the main argument put forth in a recent BBC article. The BBC article argued that people s...
saturated fat BBC article's advice: Replace saturated with polyunsaturated fats 5:56 PM 0 The BBC article is here . It is based on meta-analysis of eight previous studies conducted by Harvard researchers, which the article states ...
sugars PepsiCo to reduce sugar and fat in products 5:13 PM 0 I guess PepsiCo is moving ahead of the competition, but in a snail pace and in a very, very politically correct way. Will this help in any w...
research Online calculators to assess cardiovascular disease risk: No LDL needed 6:54 PM 0 Researchers can build mathematical equations (sometimes referred to as structural equations) that predict health outcomes based on health fa...
statistics Standard deviation is not the same as range of variation 6:48 PM 0 Often research results are expressed in means and standard deviations. For example, in the study reviewed in this post , it is stated that t...
research Ketosis, methylglyoxal, and accelerated aging: Probably more fiction than fact 11:01 PM 0 This is a follow up on this post . Just to recap, an interesting hypothesis has been around for quite some time about a possible negative ef...
VLDL Ketosis, methylglyoxal, and accelerated aging: Fact or fiction? 5:05 PM 0 Ketosis is a state typically associated with very low carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins diet. In this state, the liver produces ketones...
shrimp Steamed gulf shrimp with vegetables 7:50 PM 0 Few would argue against eating seafood several times a week, except in the case of seafood allergy. Shrimp is a very good option, especially...
tumor necrosis factor-alpha Adiponectin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels after a high saturated fat meal 6:03 PM 0 This is one of those interesting studies where the authors start with some pre-conceived assumptions and end up concluding something else, s...
research Adiponectin, inflammation, diabetes, and heart disease 5:37 PM 0 Humans, like many animals, evolved to be episodic eaters and spend most of their time fasting. Body fat is the main store of energy in the h...