recipe Tender cuts of meat for the grill: Filet mignon and bison 7:21 PM 0 Filet mignon is one of the tenderest cuts of beef. It is also one of my favorites. Filet mignon comes from the tenderloin area (see this pic...
research Blood glucose control before age 55 may increase your chances of living beyond 90 7:07 PM 0 I have recently read an interesting study by Yashin and colleagues (2009) at Duke University’s Center for Population Health and Aging. (The ...
survival There are more geniuses among men than among women, and more idiots too 6:27 PM 0 Deary and colleagues (2007) conducted an interesting study on differences in intelligence scores among men and women. In the context of this...
links Interesting links 5:03 PM 0 Media Health Data Analysis with HCE Managing Multiple Health Variables with HCE
research Ketones and Ketosis: Physiological and pathological forms 1:49 PM 0 Ketones are compounds that have a specific chemical structure. The figure below (from: Wikipedia) shows the chemical structure of various ty...
sugars Insulin responses to foods rich in carbohydrates and protein 6:22 PM 0 Insulin is often presented as a hormone that is at the core of the diseases of civilization, particularly because of the insulin response el...
saturated fat Long-term adherence to Dr. Kwaśniewski’s Optimal Diet: Healthy with high LDL cholesterol 6:12 PM 0 This is a study (Grieb, P. et al., 2008; full reference at the end of this post) that I read a few years ago, right after it came out, and a...
VAP test The Friedewald and Iranian equations: Fasting triglycerides can seriously distort calculated LDL 8:28 AM 0 This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below. Typically this is done with posts that attract man...
research The huge gap between glycemic loads of refined and unrefined carbohydrate-rich foods 3:59 PM 0 I often refer to foods rich in refined carbohydrates in this blog as among the most disease-promoting agents of modern diets. Yet, when one ...
VAP test Low fasting triglycerides: A marker for large-buoyant LDL particles 6:12 PM 0 Small-dense LDL particles are particles that are significantly smaller than the gaps in the endothelium. The endothelium is a thin layer of ...
research Genetic clustering of metabolic disorders: Meet your relatives 3:20 PM 0 As noted in this post , it is possible for a food-related trait to evolve to fixation in an entire population in as little as 396 years; not...
tumor necrosis factor-alpha Body mass index and cancer deaths in various US states 5:22 PM 0 Ancel Keys is often heavily criticized for allegedly originating the fat phobia that we see today in the US and other countries, perhaps wit...