resistance exercise Growth hormone may rise 300 percent with exercise: Acute increases also occur in cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline 2:23 PM 0 The figure below (click to enlarge) is from the outstanding book Physiology of sport and exercise , by Jack H. Wilmore, David L. Costill, an...
research Postprandial glucose levels, HbA1c, and arterial stiffness: Compared to glucose, lipids are not even on the radar screen 8:02 AM 0 Postprandial glucose levels are the levels of blood glucose after meals. In Western urban environments, the main contributors to elevated po...
tenderloin Oven roasted meat: Pork tenderloin 6:12 AM 0 This cut of pork is the equivalent in the pig of the filet mignon in cattle. It is just as soft, and lean too. A 100 g portion of roasted p...
research Intermittent fasting, engineered foods, leptin, and ghrelin 7:04 AM 0 Engineered foods are designed by smart people, and the goal is not usually to make you healthy; the goal is to sell as many units as possibl...
spirituality Atheism is a recent Neolithic invention: Ancestral humans were spiritual people 6:05 AM 0 For the sake of simplicity, this post treats “atheism” as synonymous with “non-spiritualism”. Technically, one can be spiritual and not beli...
vitamin K2 Cheese’s vitamin K2 content, pasteurization, and beneficial enzymes: Comments by Jack C. 6:56 AM 0 The text below is all from commenter Jack C.’s notes on this post summarizing research on cheese. My additions are within “[ ]”. While the ...
visceral fat Cheese consumption, visceral fat, and adiponectin levels 5:55 PM 0 Several bacteria feed on lactose, the sugar found in milk, producing cheese for us as a byproduct of their feeding. This is why traditionall...
research Intermittent fasting as a form of liberation 8:42 AM 0 I have been doing a lot of reading over the years on isolated hunter-gatherer populations; see three references at the end of this post, all...
sudden cardiac arrest Is heavy physical activity a major trigger of death by sudden cardiac arrest? Not in Oregon 5:59 AM 0 The idea that heavy physical activity is a main trigger of heart attacks is widespread. Often endurance running and cardio-type activities a...
U curve Long distance running causes heart disease, unless it doesn’t 10:24 AM 0 Regardless of type of exercise, disease markers are generally associated with intensity of exertion over time. This association follows a J-...
triglyceride Niacin and its effects on growth hormone, glucagon, cortisol, blood lipids, mental disorders, and fasting glucose levels 6:52 AM 0 Niacin is a very interesting vitamin. It is also known as vitamin B 3 , or nicotinic acid. It is an essential vitamin whose deficiency leads...
obesity Obesity protects against disease, unless you eat butter 6:55 AM 0 Notes: - This post is a joke, a weird parody of academic research, which is why it is labeled “humor” and is being filed under “Abstract hum...
research Blood glucose variations in normal individuals: A chaotic mess 6:55 AM 0 I love statistics. But statistics is the science that will tell you that each person in a group of 20 people ate half a chicken per week ove...