plaque The 2012 Atherosclerosis egg study: More smoking is associated with more plaque, unless you eat more eggs 4:00 AM 0 I blogged before about the study by David Spence and colleagues, published online in July 2012 in the journal Atherosclerosis ( ). This stud...
heart disease Does tallness cause heart disease? No, but sex does 4:00 AM 0 Popular beliefs about medical issues are sometimes motivated by a statistical phenomenon known as “spurious relationship”, among other names...
paleo diet No fat gain while eating well during the Holiday Season: Palatability isolines, the 14-percent advantage, and nature’s special spice 4:00 AM 0 Like most animals, our Paleolithic ancestors had to regularly undergo short periods of low calorie intake. If they were successful at procur...
Zahavian traits The bipolar disorder pendulum: Depression as a compensatory adaptation 4:00 AM 0 As far as explaining natural phenomena, Darwin was one of the best theoretical researchers of all time. Yet, there were a few phenomena that...
omega-6 to omega-3 ratio The man who ate 25 eggs per day: What does this case really tell us? 4:00 AM 0 Many readers of this blog have probably heard about the case of the man who ate approximately 25 eggs (20 to 30) per day for over 15 years (...
statistics The steep obesity increase in the USA in the 1980s: In a sense, it reflects a major success story 4:00 AM 0 Obesity rates have increased in the USA over the years, but the steep increase starting around the 1980s is unusual. Wang and Beydoun do a g...
VLDL The anatomy of a VAP test report 4:00 AM 0 The vertical auto profile (VAP) test is an enhanced lipid profile test. It has been proposed, chiefly by the company Atherotech ( ), as a mo...
plaque Familial hypercholesteromia: Why rely on cholesterol levels when more direct measures are available? 4:00 AM 0 There are two forms of familial hypercholesteromia (FH), namely heterozygous and homozygous FH. In heterozygous FH only one copy of the gene...
simple living Daniel Suelo, the man who quit money, seems remarkably healthy 4:00 AM 0 Daniel James Shellabarger (better known as Daniel Suelo) is portrayed in the bestselling 2012 nonfiction book by Mark Sundeen titled “The Ma...
saturated fat The 2012 Atherosclerosis egg study: Plaque decreased as LDL increased with consumption of 2.3 eggs per week or more 4:00 AM 0 A new study by David Spence and colleagues, published online in July 2012 in the journal Atherosclerosis ( ), has been gaining increasing m...
sleep Ancestral Health Symposium 2012: Evolutionarily sound diets and lifestyles may revolutionize health care 4:00 AM 0 The Ancestral Health Symposium 2012 was very interesting on many levels. Aaron Blaisdell and the team of volunteers really did a superb job...
weight loss The 14-percent advantage of eating little and then a lot: Putting it in practice 4:00 AM 0 In my previous post I argued that the human body may react to “eating big” as it would to overfeeding, increasing energy expenditure by a ce...
weight loss The 14-percent advantage of eating little and then a lot: Is it real? 4:00 AM 0 When you look at the literature on overfeeding, you see a number over and over again – 14 percent. That is approximately the increase in ene...