my experience Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time: If I can do it, anyone can 4:00 AM 0 The idea of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time seems impossible because of three widely held misconceptions: (a) to gain muscle ...
pork The “pork paradox”? National pork consumption and obesity 4:00 AM 0 In my previous post ( ) I discussed some country data linking pork consumption and health, analyzed with WarpPLS ( ). One of the datasets us...
pork Does pork consumption cause cirrhosis? Perhaps, if people become obese from eating pork 4:00 AM 0 The idea that pork consumption may cause cirrhosis has been around for a while. A fairly widely cited 1985 study by Nanji and French ( ) pro...
smelts The impressive nutrition value of whole dried small fish 4:00 AM 0 When I visited Japan a few years ago I noticed a variety of dried small fish for sale in grocery stores and supermarkets. They came in what ...