refined carbs Hunger is your best friend: It makes natural foods taste delicious and promotes optimal nutrient partitioning 4:00 AM 0 One of the biggest problems with modern diets rich in industrial foods is that they promote unnatural hunger patterns. For example, hunger c...
tumor necrosis factor-alpha Hormonal reductionism is as myopic as biochemical reductionism 4:00 AM 0 Biochemistry-based arguments can be very misleading. Yet, biochemistry can be extremely useful in the elucidation of diet and lifestyle effe...
supercompensation If your NEAT is low, maybe you should chill 10:49 AM 0 I wrote most of this post a while ago, and then forgot about it. The recent blogosphere storm of comments regarding cold-induced thermogene...
warppls The 2012 Arch Intern Med red meat-mortality study: Eating 234 g/d of red meat could reduce mortality by 23 percent 4:00 AM 0 As we have seen in an earlier post on the China Study data ( ), which explored relationships hinted at by Denise Minger’s previous and highl...