slow-cooking Can salmon be a rich source of calcium? 4:00 AM 0 Removing the bones from cooked fish, before eating the flesh, is not only a waste of mineral nutrients. In some cases it can be difficult,...
Alzheimer’s Will the aluminum pan and foil give you Alzheimer’s? 4:00 AM 0 Aluminum (or aluminium) is a silvery metal that is both ductile and light. It is abundant in nature. These characteristics make it a favor...
wireless router Will your wireless router give you cancer? 4:00 AM 0 If you pick up a magnet and move it up and down with your hand, you will be creating electromagnetic radiation. The faster you move the ma...
visceral fat Slow versus slow-brisk walking: Effects on type 2 diabetics 4:00 AM 1 I am not a big fan of reviewing new studies published in refereed journals, particularly those that make it to the news. I prefer studies...
stroke What is “relative risk” (RR)? The case of alcohol frequency and its impact on mortality from stroke 4:00 AM 0 This post is in response to an inquiry by Ivor (sorry for the delayed response). It refers to a recent study by Rantakömi and colleagues ...
X-ray tests A case of a very large salivary stone 4:00 AM 0 Salivary stones are the most common type of salivary gland disease. Having said that, they are very rare – less than 1 in 200 people will ...
vitamin D Sensible sun exposure 4:00 AM 0 Sun exposure leads to the production in the human body of a number of compounds that are believed to be health-promoting. One of these is k...
warppls Why red meat consumption may appear unhealthy in scientific studies 4:00 AM 0 There have been many academic articles in the past linking red meat intake with increased mortality, and there will be more in the future...
probiotics Often acquired tastes are acquired genes: Probiotics and prebiotics 4:00 AM 0 Gut flora is found in many areas of our digestive tract, particularly in the colon. Whenever we eat anything we feed the microbes that mak...
salami Another kind of meatza: Ham, salami and cheese 4:00 AM 0 A few years ago I wrote about a meatza made with lean ground beef and bison ( ). This post is about another kind of meatza, one that take...
resistance exercise Should you do resistance exercise to failure? 4:00 AM 0 Doing resistance exercise to failure is normally recommended for those who want to maximize strength and muscle mass gains from the exercis...
VLCD Can intermittent very-low-calorie dieting cure diabetes? 4:00 AM 0 The health effects of very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs) adopted for short periods of time (e.g., 5 days) have been the target of much recent ...
megafat The megafat could be the healthiest 4:00 AM 0 Typically obesity leads to health problems via insulin resistance ( ). Excess calories are stored as fat in fat cells up to a certain poi...
simmering Beef heart 4:00 AM 0 I have posted here before about the nutrition value of beef liver, nature’s “super-multivitamin”. I have even speculated that grain-fed be...
waist-to-weight ratio Waist-to-weight ratio vs. body max index 4:00 AM 0 The optimal waist / weight ratio (WWR) theory ( ) is one of the most compatible with evidence regarding the lowest mortality body mass in...
resistance exercise Doing crossfit and looking like a bodybuilder? 4:00 AM 0 Top crossfit athletes like Annie Thorisdottir and Rich Froning Jr. (pictured below; photos from and look...