research How much protein does one need to be in nitrogen balance? 7:51 AM 0 This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below.
protein How much dietary protein can you store in muscle? About 15 g/d if you are a gifted bodybuilder 7:00 AM 0 Let us say you are one of the gifted few who are able to put on 1 lb of pure muscle per month, or 12 lbs per year, by combining strength tra...
sardines 38 g of sardines or 2 fish oil softgels? Let us look at the numbers 7:14 AM 0 The bar chart below shows the fat content of 1 sardine (38 g) canned in tomato sauce, and 2 fish oil softgels of the Nature Made brand. (The...
vitamin E Nuts by numbers: Should you eat them, and how much? 6:32 AM 0 Nuts are generally seen as good sources of protein and magnesium. The latter plays a number of roles in the human body, and is considered cr...
stress Maknig to mayn tipos? Myabe ur teh boz 7:28 AM 0 Undoubtedly one of the big differences between life today and in our Paleolithic past is the level of stress that modern humans face on a da...
vitamin D What is a reasonable vitamin D level? 6:44 AM 0 The figure and table below are from Vieth (1999); one of the most widely cited articles on vitamin D. The figure shows the gradual increase ...
supercompensation Strength training: A note about Scooby and comments by Anon 7:22 AM 0 Let me start this post with a note about Scooby , who is a massive bodybuilder who has a great website with tips on how to exercise at home...
top sirloin Pressure-cooked meat: Top sirloin 7:07 AM 0 Pressure cooking relies on physics to take advantage of the high temperatures of liquids and vapors in a sealed container. The sealed contai...
Okinawa How lean should one be? 7:20 AM 0 Loss of muscle mass is associated with aging. It is also associated with the metabolic syndrome, together with excessive body fat gain. It i...
statistics HealthCorrelator for Excel 1.0 (HCE): Call for beta testers 7:18 AM 0 This call is closed. Beta testing has been successfully completed. HealthCorrelator for Excel (HCE) is now publicly available for download ...
statistics Human traits are distributed along bell curves: You need to know yourself, and HCE can help 5:40 AM 0 Most human traits (e.g., body fat percentage, blood pressure, propensity toward depression) are influenced by our genes; some more than othe...
strength training Your mind as an anabolic steroid 6:30 AM 0 The figure below, taken from Wilmore et al. (2007), is based on a classic 1972 study conducted by Ariel and Saville . The study demonstrated...
slow-cooking High-heat cooking will AGE you, if you eat food deep-fried with industrial vegetable oils 7:30 AM 0 As I said before on this blog, I am yet to be convinced that grilled meat is truly unhealthy in the absence of leaky gut problems. I am refe...
strength training Amino acids in skeletal muscle: Are protein supplements as good as advertised? 7:02 AM 0 When protein-rich foods, like meat, are ingested they are first broken down into peptides through digestion. As digestion continues, peptide...
research The amounts of water, carbohydrates, fat, and protein lost during a 30-day fast 7:27 AM 0 When it comes to losing fat and maintaining muscle, at the same time, there are no shortcuts. The process generally has to be slow to be hea...
slow-cooking Slow-cooked meat: Round steak, not grilled, but slow-cooked in a frying pan 9:24 AM 0 I am yet to be convinced that grilled meat is truly unhealthy in the absence of leaky gut problems. I am referring here to high heat cooking...
vitamin C Blood glucose levels in birds are high yet HbA1c levels are low: Can vitamin C have anything to do with this? 6:43 PM 0 Blood glucose levels in birds are often 2-4 times higher than those in mammals of comparable size. Yet birds often live 3 times longer than ...
warppls The China Study II: Does calorie restriction increase longevity? 9:18 AM 0 The idea that calorie restriction extends human life comes largely from studies of other species. The most relevant of those studies have be...
research Income, obesity, and heart disease in US states 8:28 AM 0 The figure below combines data on median income by state (bottom-left and top-right), as well as a plot of heart disease death rates against...