resistance exercise Exercise and blood glucose levels: Insulin and glucose responses to exercise 3:24 PM 0 The notion that exercise reduces blood glucose levels is widespread. That notion is largely incorrect. Exercise appears to have a positive e...
research Compensatory adaptation as a unifying concept: Understanding how we respond to diet and lifestyle changes 1:17 PM 0 Trying to understand each body response to each diet and lifestyle change, individually, is certainly a losing battle. It is a bit like the ...
tripe What about some offal? Boiled tripes in tomato sauce 1:40 PM 0 Tripe dishes are made with the stomach of various ruminants. The most common type of tripe is beef tripe from cattle. Like many predators, o...
research Pretty faces are average faces: Genetic diversity and health 5:58 AM 0 Many people think that the prettiest faces are those with very unique features. Generally that is not true. Pretty faces are average faces. ...
soccer Soccer as play and exercise: Resistance and endurance training at the same time 7:53 AM 0 Many sports combine three key elements that make them excellent fitness choices: play, resistance exercise, and endurance exercise; all at t...
VLDL Fructose in fruits may be good for you, especially if you are low in glycogen 6:45 AM 0 Excessive dietary fructose has been shown to cause an unhealthy elevation in serum triglycerides. This and other related factors are hypothe...
visceral fat Cortisol, stress, excessive gluconeogenesis, and visceral fat accumulation 8:13 AM 0 Cortisol is a hormone that plays several very important roles in the human body . Many of these are health-promoting, under the right circum...
resistance exercise Niacin turbocharges the growth hormone response to anaerobic exercise: A delayed effect 4:17 PM 0 Niacin is also known as vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid. It is an essential vitamin whose deficiency leads to pellagra. In large doses of 1 to...
resistance exercise Growth hormone secretion drops with age, but not exactly in the way you would expect 9:36 AM 0 Many people assume that growth hormone secretion drops with age in a somewhat linear fashion, as implied by this diagram . This assumption p...
sudden cardiac arrest Cortisol response to stress is much more elevated with ingestion of glucose than with protein or fat 7:14 AM 0 Cortisol is a hormone that does a number of different things; a jack of all trades among hormones, so to speak. It tells the liver to produc...