research Income, obesity, and heart disease in US states 8:28 AM 0 The figure below combines data on median income by state (bottom-left and top-right), as well as a plot of heart disease death rates against...
thermogenesis Low nonexercise activity thermogenesis: Uncooperative genes or comfy furniture? 3:47 PM 0 The degree of nonexercise activity thermogenesis ( NEAT ) seems to a major factor influencing the amount of fat gained or lost by an individ...
statistics Strong causation can exist without any correlation: The strange case of the chain smokers, and a note about diet 1:33 PM 0 Researchers like to study samples of data and look for associations between variables. Often those associations are represented in the form ...
wheat The China Study II: Wheat flour, rice, and cardiovascular disease 1:30 PM 0 In my last post on the China Study II, I analyzed the effect of total and HDL cholesterol on mortality from all cardiovascular diseases. T...
warppls The China Study II: Cholesterol seems to protect against cardiovascular disease 8:07 AM 0 First of all, many thanks are due to Dr. Campbell and his collaborators for collecting and compiling the data used in this analysis. This da...
research Low omega-6 to omega-3 ratio: Grain-fed meats or industrial vegetable oils? 7:08 AM 0 Just a little note on the use of language. Clearly there is no such a thing as grain-fed or grass-fed beef, because one does not feed beef a...
strength training How to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Strength training plus a mild caloric deficit 10:00 AM 0 Ballor et al. (1996) conducted a classic and interesting study on body composition changes induced by aerobic and strength training. This st...