vitamin D Vitamin D production from UV radiation: The effects of total cholesterol and skin pigmentation 5:00 AM 0 Our body naturally produces as much as 10,000 IU of vitamin D based on a few minutes of sun exposure when the sun is high. Getting that much...
wheat The China Study II: Wheat, dietary fat, and mortality 5:00 AM 0 In this post on the China Study II data we have seen that wheat apparently displaces dietary fat a lot, primarily fat from animal sources. ...
research Does protein leach calcium from the bones? Yes, but only if it is plant protein 9:28 PM 0 The idea that protein leaches calcium from the bones has been around for a while. It is related to the notion that protein, especially from ...
thermogenesis Is working standing up too expensive? It could cost you as little as $10 2:33 PM 0 Spending too much time sitting down is clearly unnatural, particularly if you sit down on very comfortable chairs . Sitting down per se is ...