skinny-fat Men who are skinny-fat: There are quite a few of them 4:00 AM 0 The graph below (from Wikipedia) plots body fat percentage (BF) against body mass index (BMI) for men. The data is a bit old: 1994. The top...
tumor necrosis factor-alpha Refined carbohydrate-rich foods, palatability, glycemic load, and the Paleo movement 4:00 AM 0 A great deal of discussion has been going on recently revolving around the so-called “carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity”. I will use the a...
glycation Book review: Sugar Nation 4:00 AM 0 Jeff O’Connell is the Editor-in-Chief for, a former executive writer for Men’s Health , and former Editor-in-Chief of Musc...
research Potassium deficiency in low carbohydrate dieting: High protein and fat alternatives that do not involve supplementation 4:00 AM 0 It is often pointed out, at least anecdotally, that potassium deficiency is common among low carbohydrate dieters. Potassium deficiency can...
tumor necrosis factor-alpha There is no doubt that abnormally elevated insulin is associated with body fat accumulation 4:00 AM 0 For as long as diets existed there have been influential proponents, or believers, who at some point had what they thought were epiphanies....