statistics Calling self-experimentation N=1 is incorrect and misleading 4:00 AM 0 This is not a post about semantics. Using “N=1” to refer to self-experimentation is okay, as long as one understands that self-experimentat...
research Being glucose intolerant may make you live only to be 96, if you would otherwise live to be 100 1:17 AM 0 This comes also from the widely cited Brunner and colleagues study, published in Diabetes Care in 2006. They defined a person as glucose i...
research Fasting blood glucose of 83 mg/dl and heart disease: Fact and fiction 4:00 AM 0 If you are interested in the connection between blood glucose control and heart disease, you have probably done your homework. This is a sc...
seed oils Nonlinearity and the industrial seed oils paradox 4:00 AM 0 Most relationships among variables in nature are nonlinear, frequently taking the form of a J curve. The figure below illustrates this type...