satiety You can eat a lot during the Holiday Season and gain no body fat, as long as you also eat little 4:00 AM 0 This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below. Typically this is done with posts that attract man...
seafood Dried mussels: A little plate with 160 g of protein (plus some comments on high-protein low-carbohydrate dieting) 4:00 AM 0 Many hunter-gatherer groups employed various methods of drying to preserve meats. Drying also increases significantly the protein content...
warppls Latitude and cancer rates in US states: Aaron Blaisdell’s intuition confirmed 4:00 AM 0 In the comments section of my previous post on cancer rates in the US states ( ) my friend Aaron Blaisdell noted that: …comparing states ...
warppls Aging and cancer: The importance of taking a hard look at the numbers 4:00 AM 0 The table below is from a study by Hayat and colleagues ( ). It illustrates one common trend regarding cancer – it increases dramatically...
stress How to handle a dog attack 4:00 AM 0 For most people, dog attacks are not very common. But they happen occasionally, and the experience can be traumatic. Incidentally, they ar...
waist-to-weight ratio Waist-to-weight ratios in pictures: The John Stone transformation 4:00 AM 0 John Stone is a bodybuilder and founder of a bodybuilding and fitness web site ( ). There he has provided pictures and stats of his remark...
Zahavian traits Could we have evolved traits that are detrimental to our survival? 5:58 AM 0 Let us assume that we collected data on the presence or absence of a trait (e.g., propensity toward risky behavior) in a population of in...
statistics We share an ancestor who probably lived no more than 640 years ago 4:00 AM 0 This post is a revised version of a previous post . The original post has been or will be deleted, with the comments preserved. Typically th...
waist-to-weight ratio How can carrying some extra body fat be healthy? 4:00 AM 0 Most of the empirical investigations into the association between body mass index (BMI) and mortality suggest that the lowest-mortality BM...
waist-to-weight ratio An illustration of the waist-to-weight ratio theory: The fit2fat2fit experiment 4:00 AM 0 In my previous blog post, I argued that one’s optimal weight may be the one that minimizes one’s waist-to-weight ratio. I built this argu...
waist-to-weight ratio What is your optimal weight? Maybe it is the one that minimizes your waist-to-weight ratio 4:00 AM 0 There is a significant amount of empirical evidence suggesting that, for a given individual and under normal circumstances, the optimal we...
reactive hypoglycemia Dr. Jekyll dieted and became Mr. Hyde 4:00 AM 0 One of the most fascinating topics for an independent health researcher is the dichotomy between short- and long-term responses in success...
stress Sudden cholesterol increase? It may be psychological 4:00 AM 0 There are many published studies with evidence that cholesterol levels are positively associated with heart disease. In multivariate analy...
South Korea Trip to South Korea: Hidden reasons for the leanness of its people 4:00 AM 0 In September last year (2012) I went to South Korea to speak about nonlinear data analysis with WarpPLS ( ), initially for business and eng...